Assignment 10
// Project 10 - Cumulative Bank Balance
#include <iomanip.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
void main (void)
float balance, rate_p,
interest, deposit, withdrawal;
float t_interest = 0., t_deposit = 0., t_withdrawal = 0., m_rate;
int i, months, repeatflag;
cout << Please enter the annual
interest rate as a percent \n;
cin >> rate_p;
m_rate = rate_p / 1200.;
cout << Please enter the beginning
balance of the account \n;
cin >> balance;
cout << Please enter the number of
months for the Balance Report \n\n;
cin >> months;
for (i = 1; 1 <= months; i++)
repeatflag = 1;
cout << \nPlease enter the total
amount deposited for month << i << \n;
cin>> deposit;
while (deposit < 0.)
cout << \nINPUT ERROR: Deposit
value must be greater than 0 \n;
cin >> deposit;
cout << \nPlease enter the total
amount withdrawn for month << i << \n;
cin >> withdrawal;
while (withdrawal < 0.)
cout << \nINPUT ERROR: Withdrawal
value must be greater than 0 \n;
cin >> withdrawal;
interest = m_rate * balance;
balance = balance + deposit withdrawal + interest;
if (balance < 0.)
cout << \nINPUT ERROR: Balance less
than 0; cout <<
\n Please see
bank manager \n;
//balance = balance - deposit
+ withdrawal - interest;
repeatflag = 0;
}while (repeatflag == 0);
t_interest = t_interest + interest;
t_deposit += deposit;
t_withdrawal += withdrawal;
cout << setiosflags(ios::fixed I ios::left);
cout <<\n\nFinal
Balance $
<< balance;
cout <<\n\nTotal
Interest $
<< t_interest;
cout <<\n\nTotal Deposits
$ << t_deposit;
cout <<\n\nTotal
Withdrawals $
<< t_withdrawal